Acre International Fringe Festival
We are so excited to announce that our next stop will be the Acre International fringe Festival in Israel!! #AcreInternationalfringeFesti...

Mistero Bufo on Tour
Upcoming performances Chicago: SEP 2017 Acre, Israel: OCT 2017 London, UK: MAR 2018

CFF2017: Buy your ticket today!
Buy your ticket here!

Mistero Buffo’s posters in CFF’s neighborhood
#chicago #CFF #production

CFF2017: poster
#chicago #CFF #production
“Comedy makes the subversion of the existing state of affairs possible.”
“Comedy makes the subversion of the existing” state of affairs possible.” Dario Fo

Mistero Buffo at Chicago Fringe Festival
After a successful run at the Balcony Theater at West Park Presbyterian Church in May 2016, an award winning performance as the 2016...