Our venue: Hospitaller Fortress (The Knights' Hall), Acre Fringe Festival 2018
#Akko #Israel #AcreInternationalfringeFestival

Akko, Isreal
#Israel #Akko #AcreInternationalfringeFestival

Acco Intrenational Fringe Festival
#Israel #Akko #festival

Windy City Music Theater (Blackbox Studio or not)
Mistero Buffo turn the Windy City Music Theater Blackbox Studio into an intimate arena theater! The stage was surrounded by the audience...

We had the best time in Chicago! We hope we'll be back soon!

Chicago Fringe Festival: tech rehearsal
Tech rehearsal at Windy City Music Theater Blackbox Theater.

Chicago moments
Mistero Buffo team meeting!

Acre International Fringe Festival
We are so excited to announce that our next stop will be the Acre International fringe Festival in Israel!! #AcreInternationalfringeFesti...

Mistero Bufo on Tour
Upcoming performances Chicago: SEP 2017 Acre, Israel: OCT 2017 London, UK: MAR 2018